
Close Rolls

Series C54



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1227-1231 (1902)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1231-1234 (1905)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1234-1237 (1908)



Rex dilecto et fideli suo Drogoni de Barentin, salutem. Veniens ad nos Reymundus Bernard’, mercator de Peregoz, graviter conquerando nobis monstravit quod Stephanus Alard’ de Rya ipsum et Stephanum Bernard’, fratrem suum, sicut fuerunt in veniendo versus Angliam cum vinis suis, depredatus est nuper in mari et predictum Stephanum cepit una cum quibusdam catallis suis, et tam ipsum Stephanum ita captum quam catalla predicta duxit in insulam de Gerner et ea ibidem deposuit. Et ideo vobis mandamus firmiter injungentes quod, si predictus Stephanus Bernard’ in insula predicta inventus fuerit vel catalla aliqua que predictus Reymundus monstrare poterit sua esse, ea sine dilatione predicto Reymundo reddi et ipsum Stephanum deliberari faciatis. Et, si in predictum Stephanum Alard’, qui crudelitatem istam perpetravit, manum mittere possitis, ipsum arestetis et salvo custodiatis donec aliud inde preceperimus. Teste rege apud Waltham, XXV. die Augusti.



Pro duobus mercatoribus de Wincheles’ - Mandatum est J. de Colemere quod Galfrido de Wincheles’ qui duxit usque London’ XL. dolia vini de partibus transmarinis de vinis que fuerunt Ernisii de Peregoz, convicti super heresi et apud Burdegalam detenti, et que in manum regis cepit per preceptum regis et Simoni de Wincheles’, qui duxit usque Sanctum Botulfum L. dolia vini de vinis que fuerunt ejusdem Ernisii et que similiter cepit in manum regis per preceptum regis frettum navium suarum sine dilatione reddi faciat in denariis. Teste rege ut supra. (apud Persor’, XXIII. die Julii).



Pro Thoma de Muleton’ - Mandatum [est) J. de Colemere quod de vinis regis que fuerunt Ernisii de Peregoz et sunt in custodia sua faciat habere Thome de Muleton’ unum dolium vini de dono regis. Teste ut supra. (Teste rege apud Wigorniam, XXIIII. die Julii).



De vinis et catallis Ernaldi de Peregord’. - Mandatum est Alexandro Bacun, custodi nundinarum Sancti Botulfi, sicut alias ei fuit mandatum, quod omnia vina et catalla Ernaldi de Peregod, qui super heretica pravitate ventura sunt, per probos et legales homines appreciari et ad opus regis retineri faciat, et vina predicta liberet Johanni de Colemere vel ei quem Johannes loco suo attornaverit ad vina retinenda ad opus regis in nundinus predictis ad faciendum inde quod rex eis precepit ; non obstante eo quod vina et catalla predicta aliquis sive ex parte majoris Burdegale sive aliunde sua esse dicat et ea tamquam sua velit warantizare, maxime cum bona dampnatorum infra regnum et potestatem suam inventa regi esse debeant. Teste rege apud Wintoniam, XI. die Junii.



Pro Ernaldo de Peregorz. - Mandatum est Johanni de Gisorz quod, non obstante crimine heresis quo Ernaldus de Peregorz notatus fuerat, de quo crimine postea purgavit se, nec obstante prohibitione regis ei prius facta, reddat eidem Ernaldo quaterviginti et VII libras sterlingorum quas ei debet de vinis que ab eo emit, ut dicitur. Teste rege apud Rading’, XVII. die Augusti.

Eodem modo scribitur Willelmo Joymery et Jordano de Conventr’ de quadraginta et duabus libris ei reddendis pro XXXII. dolis vini que Johannes de Colemere eis liberavit de vinis ejusdem Ernaldi. Teste ut supra. (apud Rading’, XVII. die Augusti)



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1237-1242 (1911)



Mandatum est Gyrardo de Bleyve quod expectet apud Blaviam quosdam milites quos rex ibidem mittet; et idem Gyrardus una cum ipsis militibus eat usque Brigerak ad Willelmum Lungespeye et socios suos. Teste ut supra. (Teste rege apud Burd’, XV. die Septembris).



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1242-1247 (1916)



Pro burgensibus Elye de Brigerak. - Mandatum est maiori et juratis Burdegale quod consuetudinem quam a burgensibus Elye de Brigerak, in respectum ponant donec aliud a rege habuerint mandatum, et quod ab eisdem ceperunt, postquam inde rex cum eis loquebatur, in manu sua retineant usque ad adventum regis. teste rege apud Sanctum Severum, IX. die Maii.



Rex Aquenwill’ de le Sparr’, salutem. Mandamus vobis firmiter precipientes quatinus sicut nos et honorem nostrum diligitis, sitis ad nos apud Sanctam Basiliam die Veneris proxima post octabas Sancti Martini ita parati equis et armis quod inde vos merito possimus commendare, et hoc nullatenus omittatis. Teste rege apud Regulam, XII. die Novembris.


Eodem modo scribitur omnibus subscriptis:

                Hugonie de Castilun,

                Poncio de Casteleun,

                Emeneo de Buch’,

                Willelmo Bernardi de Ornon,

                Bertramo de Ponenzak,

                Emeneo de Noylan,

                Dominis de Rupe Talliata,

                Dominis de Farges,

                Bernardo de Scussan,

                Domino de Trinne,

                Elye de Blennak,

                Roberto de Rauncon’,

                Vicecomiti de Frunzak,

                Amanew de le Bret,

                Amauvino de [Verres] Bareys,

                Arnaldo de Gyrund’,

                Dominis de castro de Redort’,

                Bernardo de Veteri Villa de Sumenzak,

                Gwillelmo Reimundi de Pinibus,

                Petro de Burdegala,

                Petro Gaveret,

                Arnaldo de Blankeford’,

                Arnaldus (sic) de Muntaliu,

                Vicecomiti Tartac’,

                Vicecomiti Abortent’,

                Vicecomiti Sol’,

                Vicecomiti de Maremm’,

                Reimundo garsie de Navailes,

                Vicecomitisse de Benauges,

                Willelmo Seguin de Ryuns,

                Olivero de Linan,

                Emerico de Burgo,

                Bertramo de Arminak,

                Vicecomiti de Avilars,

                Elye Rydel de Brigerak,

                Vicecomiti de Casteleun,

                Galfrido Rydel de Blavia,

                et Galfrido filio suo et Geraldo filio suo,

                Bertramo de Sillak,

                Elye de Sillak,

                Comiti de Bygorr’,

                Willelmo de Veteri Villa,

                Menesent de Coumund’,

                Dominis de Castello Novo de Mammes,

                Bertramo de Mussak,

                Willelmus (sic) Amaneui de Mota,

                Olivero de Chaleis.

Omnes isti summoniti sunt quod sint apud Silvam die Dominica in festo Sancti Andree.

Postea quia gens regis Francie que venit pro castro de Lausert obsidendo, inde recessit, mandatum est omnibus prescriptis militibus et subscriptis civibus et hominibus quod non est necesse quod usque Sanctam Basiliam veniant, sicut summoniti erant.



Rex Elye Rydel de Brigerak, salutem. Dilectionem vestram requirimus et rogamus quatinus homines vestros, sicut ceteri barones et milites faciunt, ad dandum, seu solvendum nobis focagium exponatis nobis et attencius inducatis, necnon eciam illis quos Johannes Maunsel, custos Wasconie, ad colligendum sive recipiendum hujusmodi focagium duxerit deputandos, responderi liberaliter faciatis, preces nostras taliter impleturi quod vobis ad gratiarum teneamur acciones.

Eodem modo scribitur:

                Arnaldo de Blankeford’,

                Kenwill’ de le Sparr’,

                Amaneo de le Bret,

                Galfrido Rydel de Blavia,

                Vicecomitisse de Benaug’ et filio suo,

                Vicecomiti de Frunc’,

                Vicecomiti de Castellione,

                Vicecomiti Tartacon’,

                Vicecomiti de Orta.

Consimilies scribitur universis clericis, baronibus et militibus inter Duo Maria, Vasatensis diocesis, Aquensis diocesis, Baionensis diocesis et universis clericis, baronibus et militibus per archipresbiteratum Sernensem constitutis et per Medulcum.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1247-1251 (1922)



De denariis liberandis tam de feodo quam de aliis. - Mandatum est P. Chaceporc, thesaurio regis, quod de thesauro regis liberet sine omni dilacione Olivero de Chaleis C. marcas in partem solucionis feodi sui de futuro termino Sancti Michaelis, et pro vadiis suis acquietandis de tempore quo fuit in servicio nostro apud Saltum. Liberate etiam Aldeberto, prepositi (sic), ad opus Elye Rudelli de Bragayrac L. marcas de vadiis suis apud Sorduam contra regem Navarr’. Liberate etiam eidem Aldeberto XV. marcas, de dono nostro. Liberate etiam Agneti de Chillac et Elye filio ejus X. libras de termino Sancti Michaelis anno etc. XXXI° de annuo feodo suo, X. libras (sic). Liberate etiam Magistro Bertrando de Saltu, ingeniatori, X. libras, de dono nostro. Liberate etiam Petro Ramundi de Peys et Arnaldo Lobard, burgensibus Sancti Severi, petentibus denarios ad villam suam construendam, X. libras, de dono nostro.Liberate etiam Arnaldo Willelmi de Casalis, clerico de Sancto Severo, C. solidos, de dono nostro. Et si forte non suppetat ei copia denariorum ad perficiendum numerum predictum, tunc de jocalibus regis, que penes ipsum remanserunt, vendi faciat usque ad complecionem numeri predicti, et plene eis satisfieri. Teste ut supra, retentis ad opus regis vasis preciosoribus, [in margin] postea datum fuit in mandatis predicto P. quod eidem Olivero liberaret L. marcas una cum predictis C. marcis. (Teste rege apud Oxoniam XXVIII. die Augusti).



Rex Hugoni Ridel ordinis Fratrum Minorum, salutem. Volentes precibus vestris benignum prebere favorem, certificamus vos quod placet nobis quod Petrus Sinkeval, burgensis de Brigelac, quietus sit a prisis nostris usque ad certum tempus. Et cum super numero quem dictus mercator petiturus sit fuerimus certiorati, ei intuitu vestri graciam faciemus competentem; si enim ei absolutam quietanciam faceremus, posset aliorum vina sua reputare, et sic in gracia sibi concessa fraudem committere. Teste rege apud Shireburn’ primo die Augusti.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1251-1253 (1927)



De terra Wasconie. - Rex maiori, juratis et communitati Burd’ salutem. Summo desiderantes affectu super statu vestro et terre nostre Wasconie et ejus circumstanciis, et potissime per vos, quos sincere dileccionis brachiis amplexamur, certiorari, vobis mandamus in fide qua nobis tenemini firmiter injungentes quod sex de de probioribus et dicretioribus hominibus civitatis vestre pro vestra et communi utilitate terre predicte ad nos mittatis in Angliam, ita quod sint ad nos in octabis Pasche nos super premissis certificaturi, et consilium suum super hiis que eis communicabimus nobis impensuri : parati enim sumus vobis ac aliis terre nostre Wasconie super injuriis, si que vobis ex parte nostra fuerint irrogate, justicie plenitudinem exhibere ; et ut omnis dolosa et fraudulenta suspicio penitus amputetur, litteras nostras patentes de securo conductu et licencia libera ad nos per terram et per mare in Angliam veniendi, ibidem morandi, et revertendi, pro illis qui ad nos venient ex habundanti (sic) transmittimus, sicut in eisdem litteris plenius continetur ; nolentes quod ulla transgressio seu temeraria presumpsio hinc inde prius attemptata eis imputetur aut noceat, quominus ad nos in Angliam salvo veniant et secure morentur ibidem, et ad propria redeant. Dilecti vero nostri fratres R. de Fos, magister milicie Templi in Anglia, et Henricus de Wengham, clericus noster, quos ad partes vestras dirigimus, vel eorum alter, super hiis vobis poterunt nostrum beneplacitum intimare viva voce. Teste rege apud Eboracum VI. die Januarii.


Eodem modo scribitur maiori, juratis et communitati de Regula.

Eodem modo scribitur maiori, juratis et communitati Vasatens’.

Villate de Sancto Severo.

Villate Aquensi.

Villate Baion’.

Villate de Sancto Humiliano.

Archiepiscopo Burdegalensi.

Episcopo Baionensi.

Willelmo de Pyns, priori del Mas.

Willelmo El’ decano Sancti Andree.

Gaillardo Lamberto, decano de Sancto Severino.

Petro Cayllou.

Gaillardo de Selers.

Gascon’ de Byern’.

G. comitisse de Byern’.

Emeneo de la Brette.

Arnaldo de Blankeford’, vel quod mittat Petrum Bertram, fratrem suum.

Bernardo de Bovill’, vicecomiti de Baunag’.

Willelmus (sic) Segwin de Ryons.

Elye Ridel de Brigerac, juniori.

Galfrido Rydel, domino Blavie.

Gerardo, filio suo.

Galfrido, filio suo.

Aquen Willelmo del Esparr’.

Et omnibus istis et etiam aliis, si in Angliam venire voluerint, directa est una littera patens de salvo conductu, quod salvo possint venire morari, et recedere ab Anglia ; ita quod nullum delictum vel aliqua transgressio imputetur eis, quin salvo possint venire : et durent littere iste a Pascha anno etc. XXXVI° usque in unum annum.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1254-1256 (1931)



De vinis capiendis ad opus regis. - Rex J. de Gizorsiis, camerario suo, salutem. Super eo quod nobis significastis quod propter diversas quietancias a nobis factas diversis mercatoribus Wasconie non potestis perficere mandatum nostrum quod vobis fecimus de C. doliis vini capiendis ad opus nostrum et mittendis per maneria nostra, et quod, ut creditur, pauca alia vina ventura sunt hoc anno preter illa que jam venerunt, sciatis quod, cum essemus in Wasconia, pro urgenti necessitate nostra et pro magno defectu pecunie quem sustinuimus ibidem, cepimus a burgensibus Burdegale denarios pro quietancia prise vinorum, et E., filius noster, antequam posset ingredi villam de Briger’, juravit et concessit burgensibus de Brigerak consimilem quietanciam vinorum suorum, quam nuper ad instanciam ipsius E. per cartam nostram confirmavimus, unde periculosum nobis videretur infringere eis concessionem predictam, eum quia illi de Briger’ adhuc vacillantes sunt et debiles in fide nostra; et ideo vobis mandamus firmiter injungentes quod predictos mercatores vinorum coram vobis et Philippo Luvel, thesaurio nostro, cui super hoc scribimus, venire faciatis, rogantes et diligenter inducentes eosdem per pulcra et curialia verba quod ipsi vendant nobis de vinis suis, ita quod qui habuerit C. dolia vendat nobis X. dolia, qui vero pauciora vina habeat, secundum majus et minus, prout vina habuerint, usque ad certum terminum circiter festum Omnium Sanctorum, ut tunc eis sine ulteriori dilacione satisfiat ; ita prudenter vos habentes in hac parte, quod de vinis suis ad opus nostrum retineatis et quod nullus eorum reputet se gravatum, nec de nobis conqueri possint quod eis infregerimus cartam nostram per quod occasionem habeant a fide nostra recedendi. Teste ut supra. (Teste rege apude Geytinton’, VII. die Julii).

Et idem mandatum est Philippo Luvel.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1256-1259 (1932)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1259-1261 (1934)



[De] negotio de Brigerac inter regem et Reginaldum de Pontibus et M. - Rex Bertramo de Cardilac, senescallo suo Lemovicensi, Caturcensi et Petragoricensi salutem. Super continus sollicitudine, quam pro conservacione jurium nostrorum in partibus vestris impenditis, et de hoc quod de statu terre nostre in custodia vestra existentis et de aliis negociis nos tangentibus in partibus vestris, sicut per vestras litteras plenius intelleximus, nos certificastis, vobis referimus multas grates ; ceterum cum Reginaldus de Pontibus et Margareta uxor ejus quibus, ut nostis, certum diem prefiximus apud Burdegal’ in quindena Pasche ultimo transacta super facto de Brygerac,et qui a die illo contumaciter recesserunt falso asserentes sibi justiciam denegari, nuper maliciose procuraverunt nos ad instantem crastinum Sancti Martini coram domino rege Francie ad justiciam sibi faciendum super facto predicto citari, et eciam pro diversis negociorum generibus que nobis litteratorie significastis, pro quibus eciam adjornati estis coram prefato rege, plurimum expedit quod dicto die ad curiam dicti regis tam pro facto de Brigerac quam aliis que nobis significastis personaliter accedatis ; unde vobis mandamus quod modis omnibus, si fieri poterit, illuc veniatis, aut aliquem de vestris prudentem et bene instructum in premissis mittatis ad vendicandum et prosequendum et jura nostra coram prefato rege et ad informandum magistrum Simonem de Vercellis et alios procuratores nostros quos ad curiam illam dicto die mittemus pro negociis nostris expediendis, prout vestro mediante consilio viderint expedire. Preterea de escambio a predicto rege capiendo pro terris et feodis que idem rex retinuit in manu sua consilium habebimus tempestivum. Et, quia nulla nobis fit compensacio terre quam comes Pictavie tenet in diocesi Caturcensi, W. priorem de Manso et Amalvinum de Varisco, militem, pro parte nostra assignavimus ad estimacionem seu appreciacionem terre Agenensis et ad inquisicionem de terra Caturcensi faciendam pro parte nostra, qualiter terre ille a regibus Anglie ad manus alienas devenerunt. Adhuc, cum teneamur Aymerico de Castro Novo in L. libris annuis Turronensibus pro Castro Novo super Dordan’, sicut nostis, quamdiu illud tenuerimus et eidem Emerico debeantur L. libre de duobus terminus preteritis, vobis mandamus quod festinacione qua poteritis pecuniam illam ei persolvi faciatis, ne ex hoc dampnum vel dedecus incurramus. Teste. (Teste rege apud Westmonasterium, XXVI. die Octobris)



Rex magistro Simoni de Vercellis salutem. Cum nuper nobis agentibus in partibus Francie Reginaldo de Pöntibus et Margarete de Torayne uxori ejus ad instanciam domini regis Francie certum diem videlicet in quindena Pasche ultimo transacta prefixerimus apud Burdegal’, et prudentes et discretos viros tam pro parte nostra quam Edwardi filii nostri, cui terram Wasconie dudum contulimus, ad justiciam eis secundum consuetudinem partium illarum exhibendam super peticione quam nobis faciunt de terra de Brigerac cum pertinenciis, transmiserimus, predicti Reginaldus et Margareta causam suam prosequi non curantes a predictis die et loco contumaciter recesserunt falso asserentes sibi justiciam denegari, propter quod erga prefatum regem maliciose procurarunt nos ad curiam ejusdem regis ad instantem crastinum Beati Martini personaliter evocari ; verum, quia nunc et alias parati eramus eis plenam justiciam facere de premissis, vos diligenter requirimus et rogamus quatinus una cum Nicholao de Leye, clerico prefati filii nostri, quem vobiscum sub alternacione procuratorem nostrum constituimus, promptitudine solita laboretis, ut prefati Reginaldus et Margareta ad predictam curiam Wasconie remittantur plenam et oblatam sibi justiciam recepturi, tale in premissis et aliis agendis nostris in partibus Lemovicensibus, Caturcensibus et Petragoricensibus, que B. de Cardilac senescallus noster partium earundem seu procurator ipsius plenius vobis exponent, consilium impensuri, quod vobis exinde ad grates et merita fortius astringamur. Mittimus autem vobis litteras nostras procuratorias super negocio predicto quibus utamini prout vestra discrecio viderit expedire. Nos autem precepimus feodum vestrum de hoc termino Sancti Michaelis vobis sine dilacione persolvi. Teste. (Teste rege apud Westmonasterium XXVI. die Octobris)




Rex Edwardo filio suo salutem. Cum dudum Reginaldo de Pontibus et M. uxori ejus certum diem, videlicet in quindena Pasche ultimo transacta, statuerimus apud Burdegal’ ad exhibendum sibi justiciam super facto de Brigerac, sicut nostis, ipsi a predictis die et loco contumaciter recedentes et falso affirmantes sibi justiciam denegari, erga dominum regem Francie maliciose procurarunt nos ad curiam ejusdem regis in instanti crastino Beati Martini citari, qua propter magistrum Simonem de Vercellis et Nicholaum de Leya, clericum vestrum, nostros constituimus procuratores ad petendum curiam nostram et vestram de predictis Reginaldo et Margareta et ad agendum et defendendum causam nostram in curia dicti regis contra ipsos et quoscumque alios de nobis conquerentes, si opus fuerit et viderint expedire. Et quia factum istud potissime tangit vos, vobis mandamus quod statim visis litteris prefatum clericum vestrum super premissis instructum ad curiam predicti regis mittatis contra diem predictum ad informandum plenius predictum magistrum super conservacione et defensione juris nostri et vestri in hac parte et ad petendum curiam nostram et vestram de predictis R. et M. super negocio memorato. Et optenta curia illa statim dictis Reginaldo et M. certum diem prefigatis apud Burdeg’ ad procedendum super facto predicto prout de jure fuerit faciendum. Teste ut supra. (Teste rege apud Westmonasterium XXVI. die Octobris)



Pro Reginaldo de Pontibus et Margareta uxore ejus, Alfoncio comite Pictav’ et Gastone de Byarne. - Rex dilecto filio suo Edwardo salutem et paternam benedictionem. Cum Reginaldus de Pontibus et Margareta uxor ejus nuper venissent coram illustri rege Francie et nobis et peterent ut villam et castrum de Brigerac sibi reddi faceremus, et eciam Alfoncius comes Pictav’ et Tholes’ a nobis peteret ibidem quod quatuor milia et ducentas libras Burdegalenses et quadraginta et quinque libras sterlingorum pro malis toltis hominibus suis factis in Vasconia sibi restitui faceremus, et nos eis super hoc diem prefixerimus in quindena Pasche proximo futuri apud Burdegalam coram vobis vel senescallo vestro Vasconie; et Gasto de Bearne castrum de Saltu sibi reddi, et prior de Regula de ecclesia sua tempore gwerre prostrata satisfactionem sibi fieri, a nobis similiter petierunt ; nosque, pro eo quod terra Wasconie est in manu vestra, nequiverimus, sicuti nec debemus, eis sine vobis eis ad plenum respondere, vobis mandamus quod prefatis comiti Reginaldo et Margarete super exactionibus suis justicie complementum facias exhiberi ; et prefatis Gastoni et priori certum diem super querimoniis suis prefigatis, ubi jus suum prosequi valeant prout de jure fuerit faciendum, scituri quod, ni feceritis, oportebit nos eisdem inde justiciam celeriter exhibere, alioquin in defectum nostri et vestri optinendam. Propter quod nobis taliter prospiciatis in hac parte et eos super querelis et querimoniis suis sic expediatis quod dampnum aut gravamen nobis aut vobis ex hoc pro defectu vestri in posterum non possit iminere. Teste rege Paris’ XXIIII. die Decembris anno et supra. Per ipsum regem et consilium tunc ibi existens.



Rex episcopo Vasatensi salutem. Cum nuper ad instanciam illustris regis Francie diem prefiximus Reginaldo de Pontibus et uxori ejus in instanti quindena Pasche apud Burdegalam ad justiciam exhibendam super facto de Brigerac, et mandaverimus Edwardo filio nostro, cui terram Wasconie dedimus sicut nostis, quod ad predictos diem et locum discretos et prudentes viros propter hos transmittat, advertentes quod, si predictus Edwardus vel nos negligentes in hac parte fuerimus aut remissi, prefatus rex Francie ad hoc manus libenter extendet, de quo nobis et prefato filio nostro grave dampnum et prejudicium posset in posterum evenire, ac volentes propter hoc tanto obviare periculo, dilectionem vestram, quam in necessitatibus nostris semper promptam invenimus et devotam, affectuose rogamus quatinus dicto die personaliter interesse velitis ibidem ad justiciam loco nostri singulis exhibendam, prout ordo racionis exposcit et consuetudo patrie permiserit, pro quo vobis ad grates et merita fortius astringamur: mandavimus enim Bertramo de Kardilac, senescallo nostro Lemovic’, quod vobis ad predictos diem et locum occurat super premissis consilium et auxilium impensurus prout vestro mediante consilio viderit expedire. Test etc. XXIIII. die Marcii anno ut supra.

(Cancelled) Vacat quia alibi in parvo rotulo Gascon’.


Rex Bertramo de Kardilak’, senescallo suo Lemovic’, Caturc’ et Petragoric’ salutem. Quia de consilio et discrecione, et nollemus, sicuti nec deceret, per defectum consilii super facto de Brigerac decipi aut circumveniri per quod contingeret nobis dampnum aut dedecus provenire, rogavimus venerabilem patrem Vasacensem episcopum quod in quindena Pasche intersit apud Burd’ ad justiciam Reginaldo de Pontibus et uxori ejus una vobiscum loco nostri exhibendam super facto predicto. Et ideo vobis mandamus iterato quod assumptis vobiscum discretis et prudentibus viris de partibus vestris honorem nostram affectantibus tale consilium super premissis una cum predicto episcopo vice nostra apponatis quale honori nostro et justicie congruum videritis et honestum ; taliter vos gerentes in hac parte quod singulis plena fiat justicia prout ordo rationis exposcit et consuetudo patrie permiserit et diligenciam vestram merito debeamus commendare. Teste ut supra. (apud Sanctum Audomarum, XX. die Martii anno etc. XLIIII)

(Cancelled as above).



Pro rege. De negocio Wasc’. - Rex Drogoni de Barent’, senescallo Wascon’, salutem. Cum dominus rex Francie in forma pacis inter ipsum et nos inite nobis dimiserit et concesserit quicquid ad ipsum spectabat in civitatibus et diocesibus Lemovic’, Caturc’ et Petragor’ et archiepiscopus Burdegalensis nuper defunctus tenuerit de prefato rege castrum de Muntrevel et quandam fortaliciam que appellabur la Mote de Sancto Payencio in diocese Petragoriensi, que nuper post mortem prefati archiepiscopi in manum Edwardi filii nostri cepistis, ut audivimus, quorum custodia, vacante sede Burdegalensi, ad nos pertinet loco prefati regis; vobis mandamus quod predictum castrum et fortaliciam Bertramo de Cardilak, senescallo nostro partium predictarum, liberetis, cui mandavimus quod ea recipiat et salvo custodiat donec aliud inde providerimus. Et hoc nullatenus omittatis. Teste etc. ut supra. (X die Aprilis, anno etc. XLIIII.).

Et mandatum est prefato Bertramo quod predicta castra a predicto Drogone recipiat.


Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1261-1264 (1936)



De communa de Limoilel colligenda et custodienda. - Rex Johanni de la Linde, senescallo suo Petragorc’ et Lemducen’, salutem. Mandamus vobis firmiter injungentes quatinus communam provenientem de hominibus de Limoiel salvo recolligi et custidiri (sic) faciatis donec aliud super hoc a nobis habueritis in mandatis. Teste rege apud Westmonasterium XII. die Decembris anno etc. XLVI.



Item scribitur Johanni de la Lynde, senescallo Lemovic’, Petragor’ et Caturc’, quod dictis die et loco modis omnibus regi occurat adducens secum aliquem advocatum seu alium prudentem et bene instructum super omnibus negociis regem tangentibus in partibus illis tam de negocio Agen’ quam de aliis agendis regi ibidem taliter ipsum in premissis provisuri (sic) quod rex circumspeccionem suam merito commendare possit. Teste ut supra. (Teste rege apud Westmonasterium XXIII. die Junii).



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1264-1268 (1937)



Rex regi Francie salutem et prosperos ad vota successus. Discretum virum fratrem Rogerum, priorem Vallis Viridis, nuncium vestrum ad presenciam nostram a latere vestro destinatum admisimus, ut decebat, hillariter et gaudenter, Deo laudes referentes pro eo quod in ita sollempni itaque sibi placabili proposito vos firmavit; gratum eciam gerimus, immo potius domino gratulamur, quod illud nobis communicare dignamini ac super execucione ejusdem nobiscum confidenter tractare. Ideoque, domine, modis omnibus veniremus ad vos apud Boloniam supra mare termino constituto, si nos causa negocii Crucis non teneret. Convocavimus enim parlyamentum nostrum ad instantem, quindenam Sancti Michaelis Lond’ generale, plenum et sollempne, ut de eo tractemus, provideamusque per singula quid securius fuerit faciendum, ac deinde cum nostris proceribus crucesignatis certius ordinemus. Quo circa celsitudini vestre affeccione qua possumus supplicamus quatinus, nos ad presens excusatos habentes, diem alium post festum instantis Natalis Domini, set locum memoratum, si placet, providere et nobis constituere velitis ut ad vos statim post Epiphaniam ejusdem possimus dirigere gressus nostros. Speramus enim per Dei graciam facta nostra ad hoc taliter ordinare quod in loco predicto vel alio, sicut nobis mandantum duxeritis, vobis cunctis aliis propositis occurremus, quanto tamen citerius tanto nobis utilius sicut scitis. Ceterum, quia de tribus episcopatibus, videlicet, Caturcensi, Lemovicensi et Petragoricensi sepius inter nos concurrerent mandata, et in instanti festo Sancti Martini debemus ad vos pro ipso negocio specialiter destinare ac pro certo tenemus quod per presenciam personalem melius poterit pertractari et eciam expediri, petimus quod ipsum usque ad nostrum adventuum post Natale, sicut tetigimus, prorogare velitis. Set et hoc adicimus cum instancia supplicantes quod domina regina, consors nostra, tunc possit venire ut ipsius visu et colloquio consolari possimus sicut specialiter affectamus. Et, ut super omnibus antedictis nobis possimus utilius providere, vestrum si placet infra mensem post instans festum Sancti Michaelis nunciare velitis plenarie et nos eidem nostram adaptare curabimus pro viribus, Domino dante. Teste rege apud Eboracum, XX° die Septembris.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry III, 1268-1272 (1938)



Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Archenbaldus comes de Pergorz et Agnes uxor mea dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta confirmavimus domino Jphanni de Mucegros pro servicio suo et pro octogentis marcis argenti quad nobis dedit in gersummam totum manerium nostrum de Northon’ cum pertinenciis suis una cum hundredo de Northon’ et omnibus aliis rebus et libertatibus ad manerium pertinentibus et omnes terras et tenementa nostra in Wynelmerhs, una cum omnibus terris et tenementis nostris que habuimus in Anglia de hereditate ipsius Agnetis, sine aliquo retenemento, habenda et tenenda eidem Johanni et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad predicta tenementa pertinent. Et nos predicti Archenbaldus et Agnes et heredes nostri eidem Johanni et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis omnes terras et tenementa predicta cum pertinenciis suis per predictum servicium sicut predictum est contra omnes gentes warantizabimus, acquietabimus et defendemus imperpetuum, ita quod dicta warantia, si necesse fuerit, facta sit de terris, redditibus et tenementis nostris in Wasconia et in diocesi Petragorica. Et ut hec donacio et concessio nostra perpetue firmitatis robur optineant presenti carte sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus dominis Philippo Basset, Roberto Waleraund, Roberto Tibotot, Pagano de Chawre’, Alano de Plugenet, Nicholao Poinz, Johanne de la Lynde, Andrea Wake, Johanne de la Stane, Bogone de Cnoville, militibus, Waltero de Merton’, Roberto Burnel, Waltero de Rudmerlie, clericis, et aliis.



Octavo die Aprilis anno regis Henrici filii regis Johannis quinquagesimo tercio facta est hec convencio inter dominum Archenbaldum comitem de Pergorz ex una parte et dominum Johannem de Mucegros ex altera, videlicet, quod, cum predictus comes et Agnes uxor ejus predictum Johannem feoffaverint de terris et tenementis suis in Northon’ et Wynelmerhs et omnibus aliis terris que habuerunt in Anglia habendis sibi et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis inperpetuum, prout plenius continetur in carta de feoffamento inde confecta, idem comes concessit quod venire faciet predictam Agnetem uxorem suam in curiam domini regis Anglie ad cyrographum super hiis in eadem curia prout moris est faciendum et levandum, nisi ita contigerit quod dominus rex Anglie ex sua speciali gracia aliquem ex suis justiciariis ad partes transmarinis destinaverit ad voluntatem ipsius Agnetis super predicto feoffamento examinandam et predicto domino regi vel suis justiciariis scire faciendum, ad predictam convencionem complendam et firmiter in omnibus observandam. Et, si predictus comes vel Agnes uxor ejus in aliquibus contra hanc convencionem venerint, extunc predictus comes et heredes sui tenentur predicto Johanni in mille marcis sterlingorum solvendis eidem Johanni vel heredibus suis infra annum proximum post lesionem hujus convencionis inexecute, et insuper concessit predictus comes pro se et heredibus suis quod senescallus Wasconie qui pro tempore fuerit fieri faciat de terris et catallis suis in partibus Wasconie et in tota diocesi Petragorica predictas mille marcas sine aliqua contradiccione ad opus predicti Johannis et heredum suorum reddendas. Et hanc convencionem predictus comes cognovit in curia predicta regis Anglie se fecisse et ipsam in rotulis de cancellaria inrotulari. In cujus rei testimonium presenti scripto in modum cyrographi confecto sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt. Hiis testibus dominis Philippo Basset, Roberto Walerand’, Roberto Tibotot, Pagano de Chawrth, Alano de Plugenet, Nicholao Poinz, Johanne de la Lynde, Andrea Wake, Johanne de la Stane, Bogone de Cnovill’, militibus, Waltero de Merton’, Roberto Burnel, Waltero de Rudmarleye, clericis, et aliis. Datum London’ die et anno predictis. (Teste rege XVI. die Aprilis).



Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Westmonasterium a die Sancti Michaelis in XV. dies anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis quinquagesimo tercio coram Martino de Littlebyri, magistro Rogero de Seyton’ et Johanne de Cobeham, justiciariis, et aliis domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus inter Johannem de Muscegros querentem et Archenbaldum comitem de Pergorz et Agnetem uxorem ejus inpedientes per Nicholaum de Norton’, positum loco ipsius comitis ad lucrandum vel perdendum, de maneriis de Norton’ et Wynelesmers’ cum pertinenciis, unde placitum warantie carte summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia, scilicet, quod predicti comes et Agnes recognoverunt predicta maneria cum pertinenciis esse jus ipsius Johannis ut illa que idem Johannes habet de dono predictorum comitis et Agnetis habenda et tenenda eidem Johanni et heredibus ipsius Agnetis inperpetuum, reddendo inde per annum unum denarium ad Pascha pro omni servicio, consuetudine et exaccione ad predictos comitem et Agnetem et heredes ipsius Agnetis pertinente, et faciendo inde capitalibus dominis feodorum illorum pro predictis comite et Agnete et heredibus ipsius Agnetis omnia alia servicia que ad illa maneria pertinent. Et predicti comes et Agnes et heredes ipsius Agnetis warantizabunt eidem Joahnni et heredibus suis predicta maneria cum pertinenciis per predicta servicia contra omnes homines inperpetuum. Et pro hac recognicione, warantia, fine et concordia idem Johannes dedit predictis comiti et Agneti octies centum marcas argenti.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward I, 1272-1279 (1900)



Enrolment of letters of Alexander, lord of Bergerac (Brigeriac’) and Gensac (Gensiac’), notifying that he, out of honour for the king, to whom he will defer in all things as his lord, as he is bound to do, has renounced the appeal made by him for failure of right (a juris defectu) to the king of France and his court in the king of England’s court of Bazas at St. Macaire (Macharium) from the hearing of Reymund de Miralh, burgess of La Réole, supplying the place of Sir Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony, in the Basadois (in Vasatesio), and from the court aforesaid concerning the violence that he said had been done to him in the castle of Cunhac by the king’s men. Dated ar Windesore, 8 June 1277



March 21, Down Ampney.

To R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, and to Otto de Grandisono. The king commends the care and solicitude exhibited by them in his affairs in the court of France, for which he thanks them, and he hopes that they will finish prudently at fitting times what they have there begun wisely. He therefore orders them and requests them to fulfil and complete properly with all diligence and industry according to their discretion the affairs enjoined upon them by him for which they now journeying to Gascony, in accordance with the duty of the office undertaken by them, observing in all things the order and honesty of right, and this they are enjoined not to omit for the sake of any acceleration of their return to England, especially as the king has no one about him whom he believes could know the premises and do his will in the premises better and more advantageously than them, not even if he were himself to attend to the matters there in person. As the Gascons are reputed to be very full of cavil (cavillosi) and changeable in their agreements, proposals, promises, and deeds, the king believes it to be very necessary that the bishop and Otto shall cause all and singular the things that shall be agreed upon, ordained, and done by them with the Gascons to be done diligently and circumspectly by means of writings, penalties, and other sorts of obligations, and especially the deeds concerning the count of Périgord, concerning which , as the king understands, greater and more diligent caution should be exhibited; so that in times to come they shall not presume in their insolence boldly to contravene their own deeds, and so that their own deed and surety may be objected to their faces eye to eye to repress their malice for ever. Concerning those things that the bishop and Otto have signified to the king by the aforessaid (sic) Anthony, he orders them to show always in those things the faith and belief of St Mary, the Lord’s mother, rather than the faith of St. Thomas the Apostle, for it shall never happen that the king for any cause shall wish to revoke or change their deeds there, but he will cause to be observed and held firmly hereafter those things, which he deems rather his own deeds than theirs. In addition, he wishes them to know that he and the affairs of his land of England and of the Marches are prospering by God’s grace as he would wish, for even Llewelyn, prince of Wales, appearing before the king’s justices there, with good will seeks and receives justice and judgement before the justices concerning those things that he demands from others and that are demanded from him by others; and A. king of Scotland has offered and tendered to the king unconditionally his homage due to the king by his solemn envoys, and the king has given him day to do this at London at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, when the bishop and Otto will be present, God willing. The king has for certain reasons detained their yeoman, the bearer of the presents, for four days until the coming of the aforessaid Anthony  to him, and he wills that they shall excuse the yeoman’s delay. He wishes them to signify to him by frequent information any news worthy of relation when they hear them. [Foedera].



Sept. 26, Liddington.

To the king of France. Whereas the king of France’s seneschal of Périgord went to Bordeaux, and distrains the king by order of the king of France to pay a sum of money adjudged in the king of France’s court to the vicomtesse of Limoges and to certain religious houses for damages and wrongs inflicted upon them, and the king’s seneschal of Gascony dare not pay so much money until he know the king’s will, the king requests the king of France to respite such distraint until the king’s of France’s parliament at Martinmas. The king will then send to his presence envoys for this matter and for others, who shall execute the king of France’s will in the king’s name concerning the matters aforessaid, so that the king of France shall deem himself satisfied. The king requests him to write to him his pleasure in the premises.


Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward I, 1279-1288 (1902)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward I, 1288-1296 (1904)



Aug. 26, Langley.

To the steward and keepers of Boston fair. Order to deliver to William de Sancto Bartholomeo, servant of Gregory de Rokesle, citizen of London, the wines that he caused to be brought to that fair from Bergerac (Brigeriaco) and St. Emilion for Gregory’s progit, which they caused to be arrested with other goods of William for the king’s custom. It is provided that he shall pay (faciat) what is due elsewhere (aliunde) for the wines, and the steward and keepers shall signify the king of the number of tuns.



June 8, Westminster

To the keeper and sheriffs of London. The king has pardoned all citizens of that city and all the barons of the Cinque ports and all others of the sea-coast (maritima) of England the 4s. that the king lately ordered to be taken for every tun of wine of Bergerac (Bregeriaco), the Limousin (Lemovicen’) and St.  Emilion loaded at Pierrefitte (Petram Fixam) or Libourne (Leiburniam) and brought into the realm, during the king’s pleasure: the king orders the keeper and sheriffs to cause all citizens, barons and all others of the sea-coast aforessaid to be acquitted of 4s. for every tun of such wine loaded at the said places that they have hitherto caused to be brought to the city and upon which they have not yet paid the 4s., and for every tun of such wine that they shall hereafter cause to be brought thither, during the king’s pleasure. They are ordered to restore anything of the goods or wares of the said citizens, barons or men of the sea-coast that they may have arrested.

By K. on the information of Master J. de Cadamo.

The like to the mayor and baillifs of Dublin.

[The like] to Nicholas Fermbaud, constable.



July 3, Crevequer.

To the keeper and sheriffs of London. Order to permit the king’s merchants of Bordeaux, the Bazadais (Bazaden’) and the Agenais to be acquitted of 4s. upon each tun of wine of Bergerac (Bregeriaco), the Limousin (Lemovicen’), and St. Emilion loaded at Pierrefitte (Petram Fixam), or Libourne (Leyburnia) and brought by them to London, upon which they have not yet paid the 4s., and to be acquitted of this sum for every tun so loaded that they shall henceforth cause to be brought to the city during the king’s pleasure, and to restore to the merchants any of their goods or wares that they may have arrested in this behalf, as the king lately pardoned all citizens of London, all the barons of the Cinque Ports and all others of his sea-coast (marittima) of England the 4s. that he lately ordered to be taken from every tun of such wine loaded at Pierrefitte (Petram Fixam) or Libourne and brought to England, and he wishes to show the same favour to the merchants of Birdeaux, the Bazadais, and the Agénais.

By K.


The like to the following:

                The mayor and bailifs of Southampton.

                The bailifs of Boston.

                The bailifs of Ipswich.

                The bailifs of Kynggeston-upon-Hulle.

                Nicholas de Fermbaud, constable of Bristol castle.




July 23, Funtley.

To the keeper and sheriffs of London. Order to permit the burgesses and merchants of Libourne (Leyburn’) to be acquitted of the 4s. that the king lately ordered to be taken from every tun of wine of Bergerac (Bregeriaco), the Limousin (Lemovicen’) and St. Emilion loaded at Pierrefitte (Petram Fixam) or Libourne and brought into the realm, as the king has pardoned them this sum. It is provided that they shall pay the due and old customs thereon.

By K.

Vacated because the said constable (sic) is not appointed for this purpose, as appears in the appended schedule.

The like to Nicholas Fermbaud, constable of Bristol castle.

The like ‘de verbo ad verbum’ in favour of William Trente, burgess and merchant of Puyguilhem (de Podio Guillelmi) to the keeper and sheriffs of London.



July 23, Funtley.

To William Randolf and John Senon, deputed to collect 4s. from every tun of wine of Bergerac (Bregeriaco) and St. Emilion loaded at Pierrefitte (Petram Fixam) or Libourne (Leyburniam) and brought to the town of Bristol. Whereas the king lately remitted during pleasure to all the merchants of his land of Gascony 2s. of the 4s. upon each tun of wine coming into the realm that the king lately ordered to be taken in the realm from every tun loaded at Pierrefitte or Libourne; and he afterwards pardoned during his pleasure to all the citizens of London, the barons of the Cinque Ports, and to all others of the sea-coast of England, and afterwards to the merchants of Bordeaux, the Bazadais, and the Agénais the 4s. upon every tun of the said wine loaded at Pierrefitte or Libourne and brought by them into the realm: the king, wishing to show the same favour to his burgesses and merchants of Libourne as he has to the merchants of Bordeaux, the Bazadais, and the Agénais, orders William and John to permit the burgesses and merchants of Libourne to be acquitted of 4s. during the king’s pleasure upon every tun of such wine loaded at Pierrefitte or Libourne and brought by them to Bristol, provided that they pay the due and old customs thereon.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward I, 1296-1302 (1906)



April 7, Stratford.

To the bailiffs and burgesses of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to cause the barons of the port of Wynchelese to be acquitted of the 4s. upon each tun of wine of Bergerac (de Bregeriaco) and St. Emilion shipped at Pierrefite (apud Petram Fixam) or Leyburn and brought by them to that port, and to be brought hereafter, as the king lately pardoned his barons of the Cinque Ports and others of the maritime parts (de maritima) of England the said 4s. tun during his pleasure.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward I, 1302-1307 (1908)



April 8. Lenton.

To Reginald le Barber and Alan de Suffolk, collectors of the king’s new custom of wines in the city of London. Order to permit the burgesses and merchants of Brigerake and Leyburn to be acquitted of 4s. on each tun of wine of Brigerac (de Bregeriaco), the Limousin (Lemovicenc’) and St Emilion loaded at Pierrefite (apud Petram Fixam) or Leyburn and brought by them hereafter to that city, during the king’s pleasure, provided that they pay the due and ancient customs and pay to the king the new custom, as the king has pardoned them the 4s. a tun that he lately ordered to be taken during his pleasure within the realm from all such wine thus loaded and brought into the realm by any persons whatsoever.

By K.

The like to the collectors of the new custom at Hul, Sandwich, Southampton, and Bristol.



Feb. 10, Langley.

To pope B[oniface]. Request that he will provide Master Bertrand Grimoardi, the king’s clerk and a member of his household, notwithstanding his absence about the king’s affairs, with a canonry and prebend in the church of Périgueux, from which diocese he draws his origin, as the king wishes to promote his interests in consideration of his useful and acceptable services.



June 8, Stirling.

To the collectors of the new custom at London. Order to permit Emery Martyn and Peter Martyn, his brother, burgesses and merchants of Brigerac (de Brigeriaco), to be acquitted of the 4s. upon every tun of wine loaded at Pierrefite (Petram Fixam) or Leyburn and brought by them to London, as the king lately pardoned his burgesses and merchants of Brigerac and Leyburn the 4s. upon every tun of wine of Brigerac, the Limousin (Lemovicen’) and St. Emilion loaded at Pierrefite or Leyburn brought by them into his realm during his pleasure.

By K.



Aug. 9, Stirling.

To the collectors of the king’s custom on wines of Brigerak and St. Emilion loaded at Pierrefite (Petram fixam) and Leyburn and brought to London. Order to permit Bernard Johan de Rue Majore to be acquitted of the 4s. upon each tun of wine of Brigerak, the Limousin, and St. Emilion thus loaded and brought to London by him, as the king has pardoned all men the said sum, which he lately ordered to be taken in his realm. It is provided that he shall pay the due and old customs thereon, and shall pay to the king the new custom granted to him by merchants of the duchy [of Aquitaine].



Enrolment of bull of Pope Clement to the king, setting out that among the labours to which he is compelled to attend by his office he has greatly at heart that peace should be re-established between the king and Philipp, king of France, and between their subjects; and that it was agreed between the two kings in the treaty for peace among other things that amends should be made when a peace or truce followed for damages and grievances inflicted by the men and subjects of the two kings upon each other; and that at length when the king of France and the envoys of the king of England appeared in person before the pope at Lyons in order that what had been ordained concerning such satisfaction should be carried into fuller effect, the pope added that two upright men should be deputed by each side who, after full enquiry, should make suitable satisfaction to those who have suffered damages and wrongs; and that although the things thus ordained ought to have been fully observed, nevertheless to the pope’s surprise after the said envoys had appeared before hil at Lyons and some of them had left his presence, certain goods and wares have been arrested by the king’s men of the citizens of Amiens and other merchants of Corbie (Corbie) and of those and other parts of the realm of King Philip, and great damages have been inflicted upon the merchants, notwithstanding the ordinances aforessaid, and one of the king’s said two who were then elected in the pope’s presence went away leaving the affairs unfinished; and that the pope, fearing that greater dangers than in the past may arise from these things, if they be true, requests the king to order the goods and wares thus arrested to be released, and to cause full satisfaction for such damages and wrongs to be exhibited to the said persons, and to send back the person who has thus withdrawn himself from the prosecution of these matters, so that he may attend with others to the premises; and that the pope exhorts the king to consider the great good that will arise from the premises, which the pope exhorts him to complete, and that immeasurable scandal will arise from the countrary course of action, and that the king by complying will, besides the divine reward, gratify the Roman church and oblige the pope, who desires that the king and King Philip shall walk and live in peace, and who congratulates the king upon his successes. Dated at Périgueux, 2 Kal. May, in the first year of his pontificate. [Printed from original, now Ancient Correspondence of the Chancery and Exchequer, XX, N° 15, in Foedera and in Prynne, Records iii, p. 1066].



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward II, 1313-1318 (1893)



Aug. 2, Langley

Enrolment of transcript, certified by John Plorebant, keeper of the prévôté of Paris, of letters of the said king, dated as above, to Thomas, seneschal of Perigord, Cahours, and Saintogne (sic), and other his justices and ministers, certifying them that he has granted, at the request of the king of England, duke of Aquitaine, that persons appealing from the said duke’s court to him shall have no adherents except their wives and usual household, and those interested in the matter; that he does not intend to grant henceforth any safe-guard to any one, except for just and evident causes, in the said duchy or in the parts wherein the duke has mere and mixed government (imperium), and that if any safe-guards be granted, the ordinary jurisdiction of the duke shall not be impeded by them nor shall controversy arise concerning his jurisdiction; saving the old safe-guards granted to places, and ecclesiastics or religious; that the guardians (gardiatores), when so granted, shall not impede the duke’s jurisdiction nor do any act of justice nor as much as pertains to the guard; that the duke, his officials and ministers, may erect a commune at Bordeaux (Bordiliam) and other places, as before the war, except in places where there is a suit pending between the parties; that if his serjeants, guardians, commissaries, and other officers or ministers shall have or make continuous residence in the duchy, or receive contracts, or forfeit against the ordinances made by his father, the said ordinances shall be herein fully observed, and that if anything be done contrary to them in this behalf, it shall be redressed. Dated at Paris, 15 June 1315.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1327-1330 (1896)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1330-1333 (1898)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1333-1337 (1898)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1337-1339 (1900)



April 5, Langley.

To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to supersede the demand made upon Taleyrand, cardinal priest of St. Peter ad Vincula, prebendary of Thame in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, in his prebend, by reason of the biennial tenth granted by the clergy, as the king has granted that he shall be quit of tenths and aids imposed on the clergy by the Pope or by the prelates and clergy of the realm, in consideration of his affection towards the crown of England and his services to the king in the Roman court.

By K.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1339-1341 (1901)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the Close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1341-1343 (1902)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1343-1346 (1904)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III, 1346-1349 (1905)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III,  1349-1354 (1906)



May 7, Westminster.

To Richard de Ravensere, the king’s clerk, keeper of the hanaper of chancery. Order to deliver the charter by which the king granted that the castle, town and châtellenie of Bergerac (Brageriaci) should be annexed to the crown after the death of the duke of Lancaster, who now holds them for life by the king’s grant, to the nobles, consuls and community there, quit of the great fee pertaining to the king therefor, of his special favour.



Sept. 6, Westminster.

To the collectors of the petty custom in the port of London. Order to deliver two bales of cloth, one containing fifteen pieces of woollen cloth and the other thirteen pieces of such cloth with two furs of vair, which were lately sent from the parts of Flanders to the city of London for the use of the cardinal of Périgord, to Lewis of the society of Malebaille, attorney of that cardinal, without paying the custom thereon.

By K.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III,  1354-1360 (1908)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III,  1360-1364 (1909)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III,  1364-1368 (1910)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III,  1369-1374 (1911)



Notification made by verbal command of pope Urban V under seal of Talayrand cardinal bishop of Albano and Guillermus cardinal priest of St. Mary in Trastevere, addressed to the bishop of Lincoln, that on Wednesday 15 November this year in the papal palace, in their presence and in presence of the pope, Giles cardinal priest of St. Martin in Montibus for particular causes resigned into the pope’s hands the archdeaconry of Lincoln, to which he has long before collated by the said pope, the same being void by the death of Audoyn cardinal bishop of Ostia and Velletri who died at the papal see; and that the pope admitted and approved his resignation. Dated Avigon, 15 November 1363, 2 Urban V.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward III,  1374-1377  (1913)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Richard II,  1377-1381 (1914)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Richard II,  1381-1385 (1914)



Sir John de Neville, lieutenant of Aquitaine, and John de Mitfford lieutenant of Richard Routier constable of Bourdeaux (sic). Indenture of payments made to men at arms, archers, crossbowmen and seamen appointed to go to the rescue of Mouretaigne (Mortaigne, Moretaigne) upon Gironde.

19 September [13]78 to M. Archembaut de Greily captal de Buch for sixty men at arms for one month each. 900 francs. French

- A list follows of payments made on that date to Monsieur de Duras and many more for contingents varying in number from forty to three, including Monot de Plassan, Johan de Balfade, Andrew Handay (elsewhere Handax) for forty men, and Gaston maistre de la balynger de Bourdeaux; also of payments made at other dates in September and October for transport and other services in connection with the above, the siege of the tower od Seint Mambert in Meudouc, a mission to Fronsac to treat for surrender, and the garrison of Aquitaine; master gunners receiving 12 francs a month, crossbowmen 8 francs and 6 francs, seamen 6 francs a month and 3d. a day.

- further list of payments made in September, October and November, some to single men attended by an archer or a pillard mounted, some to companies including Clynton and the sire de la Barde, for service with the lieutenant, and in the garrisons of Aquitaine, Broioun, Landes, Pyuguillaume (sic), Liborne, Moretaigne, Entre deux Mers, Curton, &c.; the archer or pillard receiving 5 francs a month, but in one instance archers are paid 7½ francs a month. [In several cases ‘un mois’ is printed in Foedera ‘vij mois’].

- A further list of rewards paid to certain gentlemen and captains, including the sire de Mont Ferant in Pereguorc.

- A further list of payments made in September and December for miners at the siege of St. Mambert, gunpowder, engines and carpenters, stores and victuals for that place and Moritaigne, and seamen conveying them. [For a doubler read adouber.]

- A further list of payments made in November and December for a mission to the king of Aragon and the count of Foux and to other messengers.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Richard II,  1385-1389 (1914)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Richard II,  1389-1392 (1922)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Richard II,  1392-1396 (1925)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Richard II,  1396-1399 (1927)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry IV,  1399-1402 (1927)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry IV,  1405-1409 (1931)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry IV,  1409-1413 (1932)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry V,  1419-1422 (1932)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry VI,  1422-1429 (1933)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry VI,  1429-1435 (1933)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry VI,  1435-1441 (1937)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry VI,  1441-1447 (1937)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Henry VI,  1447-1454 (1941)

Rien concernant le Périgord.



Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record office, Edward IV,  1461-1468 (1949)

Rien concernant le Périgord.
